
Our full publications list

[13] A Hasmy, L Rincón, A Noury, F Henn, V Jourdain, Physical Interactions Tune the Chemisorption of Polar Anions on Carbon Nanostructures, J. Phys. Chem. C  126 (31), 13349-13357 (2022)

[12] M Manghi, J Palmeri, F Henn, A Noury, F Picaud, G Herlem, V Jourdain, Ionic Conductance of Carbon Nanotubes: Confronting Literature Data with Nanofluidic Theory, J. Phys. Chem. C  125 (42), 22943–22950 (2021)

[11] A Noury, J Vergara-Cruz, P Morfin, B Plaçais, MC Gordillo, J Boronat, S Balibar, A Bachtold, Layering transition in superfluid helium adsorbed on a carbon nanotube mechanical resonator, Physical review letters 122 (16), 165301 (2019)

[10] SL de Bonis, C Urgell, W Yang, C Samanta, A Noury, J Vergara-Cruz, Q Dong, Y Jin, A Bachtold, Ultrasensitive Displacement Noise Measurement of Carbon Nanotube Mechanical Resonators, Nano letters 18 (8), 5324-5328 (2018)

[9] M Will, M Hamer, M Muller, A Noury, P Weber, A Bachtold, RV Gorbachev, C Stampfer, J Guttinger, High quality factor graphene-based two-dimensional heterostructure mechanical resonator, Nano letters 17 (10), 5950-5955 (2017)

[8] J Güttinger, A Noury, P Weber, AM Eriksson, C Lagoin, J Moser, C Eichler, A Wallraff, A Isacsson, A Bachtold, Energy-dependent path of dissipation in nanomechanical resonators, Nature Nanotechnology 12, 631–636 (2017)

[7] P Weber, J Güttinger, A Noury, J Vergara-Cruz, A Bachtold, Force sensitivity of multilayer graphene optomechanical devices, Nature communications 7, 12496 (2016)

[6] E Durán-Valdeiglesias, W Zhang, A Noury, C Alonso-Ramos, THC Hoang, S Serna, X Le Roux, E Cassan, N Izard, F Sarti, U Torrini, F Biccari, A Vinattieri, M Balestrieri, A-S Keita, H Yang, V Bezugly, G Cuniberti, A Filoramo, M Gurioli, L Vivien, Integration of Carbon Nanotubes in Silicon Strip and Slot Waveguide Micro-Ring Resonators, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 15 (4), 583-589 (2016)

[5] F La China, F Intonti, N Caselli, F Lotti, F Sarti, A Vinattieri, A Noury, X Le Roux, W Zhang, E Cassan, C Alonso Ramos, E Durán Valdeiglesias, N Izard, L Vivien, M Gurioli, Near-field Fano-imaging of TE and TM modes in silicon microrings, ACS photonics 2 (12), 1712-1718 (2015)

[4] A Noury, X Le Roux, L Vivien, N Izard, Enhanced light emission from carbon nanotubes integrated in silicon micro-resonator, Nanotechnology 26 (34), 345201 (2015)

[3] A Noury, X Le Roux, L Vivien, N Izard, Controlling carbon nanotube photoluminescence using silicon microring resonators, Nanotechnology 25 (21), 215201 (2014)

[2] N Izard, A Noury, E Gaufres, XL Roux, L Vivien, Group IV Photonics: Towards Carbon Nanotube Photonics, Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics 8 (1), 3-8 (2013)

[1] E Gaufrès, N Izard, A Noury, X Le Roux, G Rasigade, A Beck, L Vivien, Light emission in silicon from carbon nanotubes, ACS Nano 6 (5), 3813-3819 (2012)

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